Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This is my goodbye

I miss calling you everyday, having someone to always text, someone to tell me they loved me everyday, laughing our heads off, our deep talks, I miss a lot of things we use to do.. 
I don't understand how you could leave me without closure or even a goodbye..
I've been waiting to talk.
All I needed was a goodbye.
The truth.
Today I finally realized you don't miss me. You're never going to come back and talk. I finally realized you don't need or want me.
It's going to be okay.
All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.
I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be your everything.
I've learned a lot. I'm even starting to find the real me. 
I've turned to anger and embarrassment when all along I've been trying to hide the hurt.
But it's time to let go.
I forgive you.
I believe everything happens for a reason. 
I wish you the best of luck. Don't forget our talks. You're going to do great things.
Please don't forget me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Summer Highlights

Summer is my favorite time of the year. It has flown by, but been amazing.
We had a blast when we went to the U2 concert.
Pool days are always one of my favorite.
Doing a triathlon.
Eating too many popsicles and ice cream.

Working and getting free shoes.
Going to the Nike outlet.
Eating yummy watermelon.
Playing truth or truth squared.

Enjoying sparklers and the great Fourth of July. (Or was this the 24th..)
Great memories, new friends, goals, dreams.
Thank you summer.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Don't judge

Just when I thought my Sunday nights couldn't get any better.
It did.

Check it

Sweaty + Out of breath + Tired + Swimming + Biking + Running + Cramping + Aching = Accomplished.
I can check it off my list.
It was very hard but am so happy that I got the opportunity.
It was one of the hardest things I have ever done so it was awesome to look back and see that I know push myself and do hard things.
Which means I am one step closer to my goal.
One day I, Brooke, will run a marathon.